Saturday, 17 December 2011
Which is great for me, the busier the better! I have been in the studio with Deuce & Charger working on my FIRST DEBUT ELLENYI track due out in 2012! YEP - not "featuring Ellenyi" just ELLENYI!!!! Very excited about that of course, had some really positive response to the track so a massive thankyou and especially to all my POLISH FANS ! (Dziękuję za Wasze nieustające wsparcie, dużo miłości xx)
Please find a link below to their blog here so you can read all about it!
ALSO recently I had a shoot with Broken Dolls - an amazing female photographer who really captured some raw and edgy images!
Her website is: I am SO excited to put the pics up when they are ready and it has been the best early Christmas present EVER!! Santa will have to work harder than ever to top that!! Working with Broken Dolls I really felt that I could get completely comfortable with poses and not have to worry about doing the right or wrong move. My make up and hair was done for me and the results were wild and like nothing I could ever try and do myself - BUT thats what a photo shoot is all about! Its about dressing up and looking the best you can EVER look so that everyone is wowed by the results - and that was exactly right with this shoot! It was a pleasure to be shot by Broken Dolls and I will definitely definitely promise to show you the images once I have them back!! :)
I have been working on a NEW remake of the 80's classic as mentioned in my podcast which you can check out on my soundcloud...
This is a new track from Ryan Blyth feat Ellenyi - Clothes off (Jermaine Stewart Remake) and you can ALSO listen to this on my soundcloud here : Let me know what ya think, leave me a comment if you like/dislike/ LOVE/HATE............ I wanna know!!!
I will be performing this track exclusively at Audio Club in Batley on NEW YEARS EVE !!!!! Hope to see you there!!
Elle xo
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
I love the way..........
That you ask me to talk when we are laid side by side, just so that you can fall asleep to my voice......
That you know all my secrets but keep them hidden and tucked in with yours....
That you are so big and strong but lay your head on my lap so vulnerably....
That you are quick to teach but quicker to learn....
That you never make me feel like there is anything else I need or want....
That you listen to my thoughts and lift my head to the sky when it only wants to look down....
That you are the most delightful and most precious person I have ever come across...
If I told you a fairy tale would you expect a happy ending? Perhaps the Frog never becomes a Prince, perhaps the Princess was led to believe that the Frog was the one worth kissing. Perhaps the Frog needed to teach the Princess valuable life lessons so that she could get away from the swamp and build a stronger castle......
Do not wait for Prince Charming because he is too lazy to leave his castle.....
Wait for your Knight in shining armour - because he will fight for you.
With love to my Knight.... :)
Having a few days to write and re group, in the studio on Thursday can't wait!! Til then peace out
Elle xo
Monday, 21 November 2011
2 mins of my time went into a lifetime of yours
Thursday, 29 September 2011
It's easier to go down a hill than up, But the best view is always from the top.
Friday, 16 September 2011
I used to always write like this. I recently read all my old poetry, notes, journals, songs. Just to refresh myself of how much I have grown, where I have come from, to remind me what I should be true to. They are my roots.
It is in my roots and my upbringing that you should always strive to be you and if that means that you are the multi coloured jacket hanging on the rail like in the picture above... well that is ok!! Who says you should be like the rest of the boring standard suit jackets that people put on every day without a second thought. If you are who you are then who are they to judge.
If you think I am fake, it is because your perception of real is misguided. If you think I am two faced it is because you do not understand both sides of my personality. If you think I distanced myself from you for no reason, it is because you failed to be there for me when you said you would be. If you think I am pathetic it is because you are too wrapped up in your own world to realize that I am simply protecting mine. If you believe I am small minded you have simply not taken enough time to get to know how my mind thinks, works and reacts.
After all is said and done, you have helped me remember my roots, what I was put here for. To write, to be REAL. You reminded me that it does not matter whose opinions people hear and what the Chinese whispers say. In the words of Jessie J.... "whose laughing now"
I am blessed beyond words to be working with Soulshaker and really excited about the pending release due in the next few months. That is what is real to me. That is what I get up in a morning for. The intense unshakable feeling of success.
Elle xo
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
LOVING all the cream fields and festival related status’s on face book recently! Everyone is having withdrawal symptoms and now that the summer seems to be over its time to remember the amazing beats and bass to come out of Ibiza and Festivals in 2011!!
HOW GOOD is David Guetta’s album Nothing but the Beat….. Just sayin.
I know I know I know I probably should have bought it earlier before now…. But I have heard mixed things about it so not had chance to purchase! UNTIL NOW and I just cannot believe what I have been missing… shame on me ha!! It is a must buy if you have not already bought it.
Not loving the rain…
Elle xo
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Brazen Feat. Ellenyi - Jolene (Fonzerelli Epic Western Remix)
Friday, 2 September 2011
Sunrise Festival 2011 (MOONLIGHT PARTY BY TOXIC NOIZ) friday
Big thanks to Toxic Noiz and all my Polish fans!! Fonzerelli's Moonlight Party feat Ellenyi was played at the Sunrise Festival 2011!! Moonlight Party has had massive support from Andy Durrant- Capital FM, Judge Jules - Radio 1 and Tiesto- Worldwide. This has spiralled and continues to make headlines internationally. Thank you to my great friend Stu Ritchie who has believed in myself and this track from the beginning and has endlessly put up with me getting excited again and again about its success.
Writing again.... yes I do lots of that funnily enough being a singer-songwriter! Writing is freedom, a chance to pen your opinion and air your thoughts. I think my love of writing comes from my mother, she kept yearly journals from my childhood and later embarrassed me with the contents! There are times when I want to write pages and times when I can only write a sentence. I suffer from writer's block and from not knowing when to stop at the same time. Words seem to fascinate me, and finding new ones is even more interesting. I like the way they form feelings and represent emotions and events. My younger brother has written poetry for as long as I can remember and I love trying to second guess his true meaning behind the words within the rhythm .
I have some amazing things that I am on the tip of announcing and I really want to unzip my mouth but unfortunately it will have to stay tight for a little while longer!!
I can't believe it is September....that means Christmas is on its way!! I am not ready for that yet, I am still in summer festival mode and don't want to put my denim shorts and wellies away.... please stay warm a bit longer Mr. Weather Mann.
Had a fab birthday hot tub party with some nearest and dearest - celebrated in style! August bank holiday was messy, packed and memorable which is just the way I like it. After having a few days off it is back to the studio and meetings as standard.... shame you can't come :P
Elle xo
Saturday, 13 August 2011
It's no secret that Ellenyi is not exactly sure where certain countries are. Ask those who know her well and they will roll their eyes and get a map out so it can all be explained.
So when Ellenyi got signed in several European countries, we caught up with her to explain where they were exactly....
These things always happen when your not looking... I've been writing for several different projects for about two months now and finally all the hard work had paid off and I'm seeing some great results!
I have recently been signed to "Bikini Records" a German based label with tracks due to be released end of this year. The track is one of a few I have been working on with Tony Divino... It's been a pleasure working with such a passionate DJ and producer.
Also signed is another track to Influential House Recordings an Essex based label... Another floor filler and due to be released next year.
With interest and future potential signings from France and London I think I am definitely going to get myself a map!! I can say "yes" in 7 different languages so I so getting there slowly !!
It's such an honour to work with a wide range of talented and passionate individuals. The future is busy but bright and when people ask me how it feels to have my voice being played internationally it's a very strange one to try and explain!!
All I can say is I would not be in this magical position if it wasn't for every single DJ, producer, studio tech, song writer, creative director and fan did not take the time to play one of my tracks!! THANKYOU :)
Elle xo
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Radio Silence
Just feel so blessed at the moment, work has been in-between releasing and awaiting new tracks. This has given me a chance to gain some new inspiration and just generally enjoy without stress the work already completed! Really happy with the final mixes that have come back from Paris from Addict DJs as well as mixes from Tony Divino! Looking forward to performing them live in August bank hol details to follow.
FINALLY figured out how to blog from my IPhone so now there is no excuse! When I am busy and working I find no time to get on a computer and the rare time I get to chill out I am nowhere near a PC if I can help it !! So normal blogging will be back on the road :)
Just wanna clarify I am NOT the female vocals on the new KFC advert but I am very flattered that people think it's me as last I heard it was Paloma Faith lol so lovely comparison there xx
Working hard on some new tracks shortly which as always I am excited about, let's face it when am I not excited! I just love pouring my heart into words and melodies and hearing the finished product blasting out of speakers it's fab and an amazing thing to do for a living !
Loving the sunshine and the warmth, the maxi dresses of summer, highlights in your hair, watchin rugby with no coat on for a change and boxes and boxes of strawberries yum !!
Not loving tan lines, lazy people who let their mums do everything for them, chipped nail varnish and cold coffee cos you left it too long without drinking it up!!
That's all :)
Elle xo
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Monday, 11 April 2011
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Today started by me waking up next to someone amazing and will end that way too! I did have to make him a cup of tea in bed as he had a day off, but I guess I can do that without anything much to say! Feeling very grateful (again) to those closest to me. When I get an unexpected carrot cake and a lovely little text it always makes my day.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Sunday, 3 April 2011

Saturday, 2 April 2011
Brazen ft Ellenyi - Jolene (various mixes)
Friday, 1 April 2011

Friday Feeling anyone? I will have me some of that please! Today has been beautiful. Just ordinary, nothing special, adventurous or amazing, but simply beautiful. I have been to see my partner's Nanna as it was her birthday today and spoilt her rotten with some treats. (she did want to try and put the hand & nail cream in the fridge, but thats another story!) I have spent some time with my number one and then got in my "office" to write some more. Everything about today I have loved and its ended the week on an awesome note!