Motherly love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible... Today just shows that!! Its amazing where Motherly Love comes from... where you would least expect it to. My other half has cooked a gorgeous meal for the first time.... Honey glazed gammon, roast vegetables, mint and herbs new potatoes, and honey and mustard glazed parsnips (which Craig thought was a type of potato??lol) His mum came round and chilled out with a white wine spritz in a fancy cocktail glass and then we got the Knect out. Its just been lovely to share time and catch up with those precious to you.
Sometimes you get used to a certain way things are and you think that is just how it is. But then you experience something ten times stronger and you realize what and who matters to you. I can honestly say that the motherly love that comes from my other half's mum is true to this, it really has helped me to do the impossible when I have felt like giving up.
This week looks busy busy and I cannot wait to get in the studio and lay the vocals down for this project that I have been recently writing for. I have had the tracks on all weekend and the idea's just keep coming... my other half seems to think he can write a few lyrics here and there but needless to say I won't be taking him up on his suggestions!
Really not loving NOT being able to sleep in! I think because I am so used to getting up for work and because I am in a routine I just cannot sleep in on a weekend. So I end up getting up at 7am and cleaning the pad from top to bottom, doing a zumba class and then starting the day when all I really wanted to do was sleeeep.
Really loving family times, knect marathons are ace.... I seem to be amazing at bowling when I do this "twinkle toes" dance and I get strike after strike! Its been a great finish to a great weekend and although my arms are gunna ache after "boxing" and losing miserably it will make me smile every time I remember.
Elle xo
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