Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Smiiiile !!

Today started by me waking up next to someone amazing and will end that way too! I did have to make him a cup of tea in bed as he had a day off, but I guess I can do that without anything much to say! Feeling very grateful (again) to those closest to me. When I get an unexpected carrot cake and a lovely little text it always makes my day.

Received a new track from a producer and personal friend Fonzerelli (Aaron McClelland) and really cannot wait to get working on it! I love the sounds he produces, they always make my hips move and get stuck in my head for days. I am so fortunate to be able to work closely with him and to be able to have the opportunities that I have had so far. I am looking forward to producing something amazing for you to listen to shortly! If you can't wait until then check out the tracks I have worked on in connection with Fonz at my youtube.... www.youtube.com/ellenyiofficial

Really not loving people who really really moan at pointless things... its not attractive, it makes your face look like it should be glued to the floor... its bad for your health and just makes people wanna close their ears and clam up from listening. More muscles used to frown than to smile... and smiling conserves energy... just imagine how bad moaning is for your body then haha!!

Really loving that Daybreak have got Lucy the weather girl back and got rid of that crazy guy who I complained about in a previous post. They must be reading my blog because as soon as I complained they started putting him in serious weather conditions to tell the weather and now he has disappeared all together which is just fantastic! Now I can watch the weather and actually understand the forecast and prepare my outfit accordingly!! That has just made my day!!

Elle xo

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