Sunday, 27 March 2011

Got a cheeky little chorus buzzing round my brain that I have written for a new track, really loving it and just can't stop singing it, I know that if my other half is still humming it a few hours later its a winner!

Really not loving how much your feet hurt after a great night out! With me being only 5.2 I like my heels and after dancing in 4 inch shoe boots all night, walking for miles for some onion rings and then more walking for a taxi... my feet today have just been shot!! Out come ballet pumps for days for sure... so glad its not snowing.

Really loving dancing in the supermarket aisles. The Weekly Shop is not exactly the best social event I have ever attended, but today as me and my other half were taking part it made me smile to see him MC Hammering it down the biscuit aisle! I mean lets not start a full on disco dance but really just love how free he is, and how free I feel when I am with him. Happiness is to be shared. So start shimming it up!!

Definitely time to stack up on some beauty ZZZZ so thats all for now.

Elle xo

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