Thursday, 29 September 2011

It's easier to go down a hill than up, But the best view is always from the top.

If you want something bad enough, then you will work hard enough to get there. Lately it is apparent that those around me just do not want things as much as I do! Having to work full time as well as full time musically is really stretching – even when you have a good work ethic. It is sad that people who are comfortable and do not need to come in to work then they do just that, they ring in sick or worse still get someone else to. It is about giving yourself enough energy to motivate yourself that is the hardest part, not the actual work you come in to get on with.

Having a passion for something is the most revitalising, interesting uphill struggle I have ever encountered. Working a normal 9-5 and then 6-11 in the studio really does stretch my brain and energy levels but I try and see it as “in training” for what is to come! I believe you can only do what you think you can do. If you think you can’t do something then you are probably right.  Look around, everyday ordinary people are example to this. Those that succeed are those that think they can in the first place and push themselves out on the ledge.

Just grabbed two minutes whilst the studio tech is mixing down the final track of the night and then I am off to the sweet land of deep dreams! Some people have children, others a house that they clean 12 hours a day, some have dream cars they can’t afford and others a career that means everything to them. Music is my baby, its my passion, it the reason why I wake up singing new melodies and why I dream about timings and lyrics in my sleep. So I say, shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. 

Sweet Dreams 
Elle xo

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