Thursday, 9 June 2011

Radio Silence

Not been very well so took some time off to breathe and focus on getting back to normal - as normal as can be!

Just feel so blessed at the moment, work has been in-between releasing and awaiting new tracks. This has given me a chance to gain some new inspiration and just generally enjoy without stress the work already completed! Really happy with the final mixes that have come back from Paris from Addict DJs as well as mixes from Tony Divino! Looking forward to performing them live in August bank hol details to follow.

FINALLY figured out how to blog from my IPhone so now there is no excuse! When I am busy and working I find no time to get on a computer and the rare time I get to chill out I am nowhere near a PC if I can help it !! So normal blogging will be back on the road :)

Just wanna clarify I am NOT the female vocals on the new KFC advert but I am very flattered that people think it's me as last I heard it was Paloma Faith lol so lovely comparison there xx

Working hard on some new tracks shortly which as always I am excited about, let's face it when am I not excited! I just love pouring my heart into words and melodies and hearing the finished product blasting out of speakers it's fab and an amazing thing to do for a living !

Loving the sunshine and the warmth, the maxi dresses of summer, highlights in your hair, watchin rugby with no coat on for a change and boxes and boxes of strawberries yum !!

Not loving tan lines, lazy people who let their mums do everything for them, chipped nail varnish and cold coffee cos you left it too long without drinking it up!!

That's all :)

Elle xo